Tireo - Soul Winner 4 Jesus Christ



The antichrist will be a man who is straight wicked & evil who will pursue to take opver the world, he will possess supernatual powers from the devil who is lucifer, he will also claim to be God & he will gather 70,000 jewish followers & make a whirlwind tour of deception & destruction & he will set up for himself as ruler in jerusalem & he will also be killed by Jesus Christ when Jesus returns from Heaven.Β JohnΒ states that in his own day many antichrists (false teachers) had arisen who were denying the true christ & deceiving many, read 1stΒ john 2,18, the antichrist is the ulimate opponent of Jesus Christ here are the facts

1.)Β Jesus is the truth & the antichrist is the lieΒ 

2.) Jesus is the holy one & the antichrist is the lawless one

3.) Jesus is the man of sorrows & the antichrist is the man of sin

4.) Jesus is the son of God & the antichrist is the son of destruction

5.) Jesus is the lamb & the antichrist is the beast

6.) Jesus came to save the lost & the antichrist came to destroy the people

7.) Jesus represents God & the antichrist claims to be God

8.) Jesus causes people to worship God & the antichrist causes people to worship satan

9.) Jesus rides a white horse( revelation 19,11) & the antichrist rides a white horse( revelation 6,2)

10.) Jesus is married to his virtuous bride( revelation 19,7-9) & the antichrist is married to a vile prostitute( revelation 17,3-5)

11.) Jesus is king of kings & the antichrist is called the king( daniel 11,36)

12.) Jesus is part of the holy trinity father, son, holy spirit & the antichrist is part of the demonic trinity, satan, flase prophet & the mark of the beast

in the book of revelation 17,8 it tells us that the antichrist is killed & then he goes to the bottomless pit for a period of time & then he comes back to life, he is brought back to life by the demonic power of satan 7 then he comes back to earth to establish his dominion & worship in a crazy messed up world. He will also be a man of great words & a boaster & a blasphemer. There is much more about the antichrist that's in the bible & I was just giving you brief summary of what he will be like & what he will do so people don't be one of those ones who will get left behind in the tribulation cause it's gonna be scary & you don't wanna be here on earth to see all of that so i advise you to give Jesus your life now cause it's gonna get really bad for the world after Jesus returns & gets his people who reaally followed him. THIS STUFF IS VERY REAL & MANY WILL BE LEFT BEHIND